Mentorship Program

How Do You Make A Superhero?

Research over the last 20 years has shown that effective mentors can have a positive effect on trainee job satisfaction, career mobility, recognition and promotion. However, the research also shows that an effective mentor must be somewhat of a superhero by assuming the multiple roles of friend, coach, leader, role model, motivator, trainer, career counselor, facilitator, evaluator and sponsor, while still functioning as a productive worker. This presentation will examine a training program that can help to develop an effective worker into an effective mentor / superhero.

The mentorship program consists of the following components:

  • Mentoring Foundations
  • Mentoring Benefits
  • Mentoring Roles
  • Mentoring Skills
  • Structured On the Job Training (OJT) activities
  • Mentoring Training Skills
  • Adult Learning Principles
  • Adult Learning Stages
  • 3D Learning Process
  • Structured OJT Activities
  • Mentoring Interpersonal Skills
  • Listening
  • Questioning
  • Complaints and Criticisms
  • Perception
  • Conflict Management
  • Leadership Skills
  • Leadership Characteristics
  • Motivation
  • Reinforcement
  • Goals and Objectives
  • Delegation/li>
  • Generational and Cultural Diversity
  • Generational Work Groups
  • Generational Work Strategies
  • Cultural Differences
  • Cultural Competence
  • Common Cultural Faux Pas
  • Task Development and Evaluation
  • Task Development and Evaluation Process
  • Job Competencies
  • Job Tasks
  • Task Evaluation Process