I have over twenty years of experience teaching three year olds up to adults in schools and univeristies in both China and Canada. My specialties are curriculum developing, teacher training, ESL and Mandarin instruction, translating and interpreting. I am an associate member of ATIA (Association of Translators and Interpretors of Alberta), a member of ATESL (Alberta Teachers of English as a Second Language)with accreditation, and a certified Alberta teacher.
I have been the auther or co-author of 13 books published on language learning and teaching.
Category: Academic Foundations (Includes ESL)
Dennis Campbell
I have instructed in the Canadian military, was an on-job-training instructor for Saudi Arabian Airlines, spent nearly twenty years instructing at the Nova Scotia Community College, taught in the Avionics program at the Abu Dhabi and Dubai Men’s Colleges in the UAE, and for nearly five years was the Maritimes area instructor for Global TESOL College, teaching people how to teach English overseas.
Clint Millard
I am a certifid teacher in Alberta Canada, holding two bachelor degrees. I currently 10 yrs experience as a mentor to coaches, and 20yrs as a coach. I also have as 8 yrs experience as a High School teacher specializing in English, Social Studies, and Physical Education. My ability to organize, decifer and deliver information is my main asset. I have travelled extensively to Nepal, Korea, Australia, Thailand, Western europe, and Central America. I have also taught English in Japan. Currently I own two small businesses. Lastly I have had the honor of representing my country as a member of Team Canada at the world FISU games in Italy.
David Mulder
David Mulder has had a varied career in industry, government, and education over a period of fifty years, and, as such, is able to fill a variety of roles due to his grasp of the problems and challenges that personnel in these areas encounter on a daily basis. He has travelled to 65 countries on overland and independent travel, and has visited and lived in 24{17ed4b947b5ecd6da9d3a7b807fdef29c56bf028a610db6111fa8d721e8c087a} of these countries more than once. His grasp of different cultures and working environments is a valuable asset in working with people in other countries, an understanding of which is too often not appreciated by others who have not had this experience. David completed six courses towards a PhD degree in international/intercultural education at The University of Alberta during the early 1990s, but had to withdraw since he was unable to obtain a thesis advisor for Russia and would have had to move to another city and lose his job at The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT).
His career began immediately after graduating from The University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Applied Science degree, specializing in geology. He has worked as an exploration and mine geologist (open pit and underground) in western British Columbia (copper), the Northwest Territories (tungsten), the Yukon Territory (silver-lead-zinc), western Ontario (uranium, iron ore, massive sulphides), Alberta and Saskatchewan (coal), Kentucky (coal), and western China (gold, silver, lead, zinc, iron ore).
During the late 1970s David phased out of mining and moved his growing family to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. David worked for two electric utility companies where he was on a negotiating team for a thirty year contract to supply coal to a mine-mouth power plant, and set up the geology/mining department for a new power plant west of Edmonton. In the early 1980s David accepted the position of Manager of the Energy Section for Alberta Economic Development, and later as Manager of Special Projects. During this period he gained valuable experience in understanding the role of government as he liaised with senior management in industry, government, and with senior personnel from over forty foreign missions through the International Trade Branch. David served as Chairman of the Energy Division and a member of the Executive Committee of the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce for two years during the late 1970s.
In early 1986 David began a new career as an instructor at NAIT, having previously earned an MBA degree from The University of Alberta and having taught several business courses there and at a community college. David worked at NAIT until mandatory retirement in 2003, and taught courses in mathematics, geostatistics, business statistics, physics, geology, computing, economics, marketing, project management, and three quality control courses which he continues to instruct on weekends twice a year. During the early 1990s David earned a Diploma in Postsecondary Education at The University of Alberta by taking evening courses in order to enhance his ability to teach others how to learn better.
Interspersed with his travelling following mandatory retirement from NAIT, David worked as a contractor for a geotechnical consulting firm where he worked on geotechnical , geoenvironmental, hydrogeological and slope stability projects in northern Alberta. Due to the current economic slowdown in Alberta, his services have been temporarily postponed.
David is in good health and wishes to continue living an active professional life. He is an active member of The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists, and Geophysicists of Alberta. He is single and is willing to relocate to another country if required. David’s philosophy towards success on the job is to do it right the first time, and avoid costly and time-consuming delays and rework.
Katrrina (TINA) Olivero
Master Trainer and Seminar Leader Specializing in Human Potential Leadership Training Personal Empowerment Individual Enhancement Programs NLP Ontology Informational Technology and Instructional Development using state-of-the-art online technologies (see www.oilworks.com) for samples of online work.
Zal Phiroz
University of Calgary
Instructor (Online), Business Admin
2009- Present
Humber College- University of Guelph
Developer and Instructor (Online), Business Admin
2008- Present
St. Clair College
Developer and Instructor (Online), Business Admin
2005- Present
Procter & Gamble Inc.
Manager, Market Planning and Project Management
2007- Present
TELUS Communication Inc.
Manager, Channel Marketing
2005- 2007
Karen Hovelkamp
Karen’s passion is working in Aboriginal Initiatives from instruction and project management to curriculum development. She has added oral historian to her curriculum vitae as she was the writer for a book entitled Listening To Elders, Telling Stories, Sitting in A Circle, as told by Walter Bonaise, grandson of Chief Poundmaker. This book will be released into education institutions soon.
She has a unique and inspirational way of connecting with her Aboriginal clients/students by integrating fine arts with experiential learning material.
Along the way, Karen has obtained more training in business, communication, and conflict mediation and via corporate and international continuing education departments, in technical colleges and universities, delivers business management, business communication, and human resource modules to many communities outside Edmonton and abroad.
Jodie Samycia
Bachelor of Education with ESL Minor
Registered Nurse-Clinical Nurse Educator specializing in Maternal Child Health
Education of Health Care Professionals specializing in Evidence Based Practice
Shelley Thompson
Agri-business Consultant specializing in applied economic analysis
Work experience with Saskatchewan Wheat Pool (Viterra), AAFC, First Nations University of Canada, University of Saskatchewan, Farm Credit Canada
Gerald (Garry) Worger
Here�s a good question: �Just WHO am I, Garry Worger, and WHY can I assist an organization with �change� initiatives, and HOW do I go about it, and am I any good?� [Maybe that is four questions?]
I was an educator for 40+ years, working with public education, grades 5 � 12, and with a technical college. There I was an instructor (math, computer programming, MS-OFFICE), training consultant, program-developer, change-agent, project manager, and researcher with Colleges, Government Agencies, Private Industry� collaborating with local, Canadian & foreign clients.
So my �who� is this: extensive training/development/assessment experience working with all types of clients, in a variety of fields, across cultures.
I strive to solve my clients� problems, using a GET-GIVE-MERGE-GO (GGMG) model. This means I spend extensive front-end time assessing the
needs/problems/issues/context/key-players of an organization.
Then I map out a �solution� based on my understanding & expertise.
Next my clients and I negotiate how my approach will be applied to their situation, followed by the development of an elaborate and detailed management plan. That plan becomes the roadmap and assessment design for a project.
So my �why� is this: I explore where you are; we agree on our mutual understandings; we develop strategies and tactics to solve your problems.
I alluded to my �how� in the why summary� but here are some more details.
I use potent models to direct my efforts, based on the research & teachings of Robert Carkhuff� to my mind� one of the seminal thinkers of the 20th century.
His (and my) strategic approach is EXPLORE-UNDERSTAND-ACT. This, you will likely realize, is the over-riding model for the GGMG process I use with clientele organizations.
I utilize several tactical models.
The first is PLAN-IMPLEMENT-MONITOR-ASSESS-RECYCLE (PIMAR)� the basis for my Project Management approach. The guts of this is the Plan, and I am insistent on spending a high {17ed4b947b5ecd6da9d3a7b807fdef29c56bf028a610db6111fa8d721e8c087a}age of time getting this right�
-right for the client (outcomes which is tactic #2, below)�
-right for the target personnel involved (which is tactic #3, below)
-right process & procedures & assessment�
-right for me as a Project Manager (managing, monitoring, assessing and recycling)�
The second tactical model focuses on client outcomes: quantitative measures, qualitative measures, safety measures, environmental measures, supervision measures, key indicators, assessment methods, reporting.
The third tactical model identifies the target personnel involved in the project and their level of involvement (resource, approvers, implementers, receivers, allocators).
In summary, my How is the use of powerful models, customized to the unique context and culture of client organizations.
-Conceptualized, organized, implemented, and evaluated a two year training systems development project for a local chemical process based industry. (Budget: $2.0 million)
-Conceptualized, organized, implemented, evaluated, monitored and reported on a major training initiative utilizing computer controlled videodisk technology. (Budget: $4.3 million)
-Designed, implemented, monitored and evaluated a two year training development project utilizing self-paced individualized training packages, supported by computer managed and computer assisted software. (Budget: $1.3 million)
-Conceptualized, implemented, monitored, evaluated and reported on a one year project involving remote delivery of company training programs, using computer managed learning. (Budget: $250,000)
-Designed and implemented a strategy for identifying crucial skills for tradesmen and technologists for over 20 different occupations.
-Conducted interviews, summarized documents and wrote the report on the evaluation of four Computer Based training initiatives of the US military.